Portfolio Published #100DaysOfReact 1/100

Diogo Pacheco Pedro
2 min readApr 11, 2021
Photo by Safar Safarov on Unsplash

Today’s Learning 📚 #100daysOfReact — 1/100

Today I focus on learning a little but more about GitHub commands and how to publish my React code directly to GitHub repository and Heroku.

I have been a long time doing the tutorials loops and have many Projetcs in my local machine but never really deployed them or did much of command line terminal based dispatching direct from terminal.

GitHub is crucial skills and all of us developers need to master, in my line of work in CRM Development where my expertise Salesforce and Dynamics 365 ecosystems are more and more dynamic and working in source code a real scenario now as it is in full blow custom builds Web Apps from Scratch. Hence my focus 🤓👊 as I can practice these skills immediately at work.

👀 So what was the task for today?

💢 Clone and customise a ready React Portfolio shared by a Online community I have joined at @ssssangha #PapaReact. (more on them in the future post)



Diogo Pacheco Pedro

CRM Developer, Podcaster and Soon youtuber on everything Software Development & Customer Service