AI in CRM: Salesforce Generative AI EinsteinGPT

Diogo Pacheco Pedro
3 min readApr 19, 2023

Introduction to Salesforce EinsteinGPT

Salesforce EinsteinGPT is one of the latest AI-powered tools designed to help businesses improve their CRM capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of AI on CRM, delve into the latest Salesforce EinsteinGPT releases and features.

We take a deep dive into the world of AI-driven CRM and uncover the potential benefits of using Salesforce EinsteinGPT.


In today’s digital age, customer relationship management (CRM) has become a critical aspect of running a successful business. As the demand for personalised experiences and seamless interactions with customers grows, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in CRM has become increasingly important.

The introduction of AI to the masses has increased even more the interest from SaaS companies on how to include AI in their current offerings at closer more intricate manner. Salesforce & Microsoft both leading CRM providers and have both been innovating in those areas for while now.

AI prior to the Popularity

I have personally worked in Power Automate projects in back in 2021 using AI. However those projects on Microsoft power platform as in many other PaaS or SaaS back then utilised AI in a backend approach with rather singular job function dedicated to the AI, in this case the AI module would analyse specific…



Diogo Pacheco Pedro

CRM Developer, Podcaster and Soon youtuber on everything Software Development & Customer Service